1. My first cell phone. GSM, it was on Sprint's now defunct GSM system. Such a great little phone. 30 minutes of call time a month for 30 bucks and the first incoming minute was free!

2. My first touchscreen. I remember it being terribly expensive and then it died cuz it got submerged in water. Didn't know until I was researching that there's a shrine for this watch http://cdecas.free.fr/computers/pocket/vdb1000/

3. NES, what else is there to say?

4. Worked a whole summer to buy this thing. I dreamt about it constantly. The possibility to have console quality games in my hand was too much. 400 bucks for this thing was too damn steep though.

5. Waterproof and played all my tapes. It was *the* walkman to have during my highschool days.